Special Promotions

iSearchDecor offers Special Promotions from time-to-time.  Special promotions allow us to incentivize a certain behavior that will drive more business to you, our vendor partners.

The current special promotion is: EARN A FREE iPAD

How does it work:  The first vendor to refer 20 clients to the leadSHARE program by May 31, 2012 will receive an iPAD!  It’s that simple!

Here’s How It Works:

  1. Share a client with iSearchDecor who needs assistance in any category other than yours, to see our full list of categories, check out:  http://www.isearchdecor.com/what_we_match
  2. Send us their contact information so that we can connect them to another vendor in the iSearchDecor network by calling 480-619-5505 or emailing michelle@isearchdecor.com
  3. You can select one vendor who will receive this lead, just let us know who
  4. You will still receive $10 worth of credits in your iSearchDecor account for each client sent to us that we match to another vendor in the network, PLUS receive a tally in the iSearchDecor iPAD Contest.

Think about all of the ways you can use an iPAD for your business.  We can show you how to access your iSearchDecor account while you are out in the field in order to get your leads real-time!